Spanish Ties - Police officer Liz Rainbow gets tied up and gagged!

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Cover 2 Spanish Ties - Police officer Liz Rainbow gets tied up and gagged! - HD/MP4Cover 3 Spanish Ties - Police officer Liz Rainbow gets tied up and gagged! - HD/MP4Cover 4 Spanish Ties - Police officer Liz Rainbow gets tied up and gagged! - HD/MP4Screenlist Spanish Ties - Police officer Liz Rainbow gets tied up and gagged! - HD/MP4
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    1,3 GB
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  • Description:
    Police officer Liz Rainbow has discovered the hideout of two dangerous and important villains. She knows where the catsuit bandits, Liricaa and Nala, live. But, instead of sharing this information with the police department, she decides to act alone. If she manages to arrest Nala and Liricaa, she will get promoted for sure and she wants to keep all the glory for herself! Unfortunately for Liz, nothing goes as expected. When she thinks she’s about to capture Nala, Liricaa assaults her from behind and ties her hands with rope. Nala handgags her to keep her quiet, while Liricaa continues to tie her up. They use a sponge to gag her, with layers of tape and white wrap to reinforce the gag. Then she also tie her up with tape, to make sure she doesn’t go anyway. The villains are having so much fun with officer Liz. They mock her on trying to arrest themm all by herself. Liz is so frustated! Since she didn’t tell anybody about what she was going to do, nobody knows she’s there. And the villain’s hideout is still a secret for all her comrades! Liz Rainbow is left tied up and gagged, totally helpless. And it seems she’s going to be there for a looooong time! “MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.
    La oficial de policia Liz Rainbow ha descubierto el escondite de dos peligrosas e importantes criminales: Nala y Liricaa. Pero, en vez de notificarlo a sus superiores, decide actuar ella sola. Si consigue arrestar a las dos villanas, toda la gloria sera para ella y conseguira un ascenso! Desafortunadamente para Liz, nada es tan sencillo. Cuando cree haber conseguido arrestar a Nala, es sorprendida por Liricaa que la ataca por detras y le ata las manos con cuerda. Nala le tapa la boca con la mano para mantenerla callada mientras Liricaa la ata bien fuerte con cuerda. Utilizan una esponja para metersela en la boca y amordazarla con tiras de cinta y luego vueltas alrededor de la cabeza con wrap blanco. Seguidamente refuerzan las ataduras atandola con cinta tambien. Las dos villanas la humillan y se mofan de ella por intentar arrestarlas ella sola. Liz esta muy frustrada! Y puesto que no le ha dicho a nadie donde esta, nadie sabe en el lio que se ha metido. Las villanas dejan ahi a Liz, atada y amordazada, totalmente indefensa. Y, dada la situacion, parece ser que va a estar ahi un buen tiempo! “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”