Spanish Ties - The latex burglars are under attack! (MP4 HD)

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Cover 2 Spanish Ties - The latex burglars are under attack! (MP4 HD) - HD/MP4Cover 3 Spanish Ties - The latex burglars are under attack! (MP4 HD) - HD/MP4Cover 4 Spanish Ties - The latex burglars are under attack! (MP4 HD) - HD/MP4Screenlist Spanish Ties - The latex burglars are under attack! (MP4 HD) - HD/MP4
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    1280 x 720 MP4 THIS VIDEO IS THE SEQUEL FROM "The latex burglars are back again!". Liz Rainbow and Venom were attacked by the latex burglars a few days ago. They are determined to get revenge. They've been tracking the burglars last steps, and they've managed to find out where they live. Nobody ever found out this before! Now, Liz and Venom prepare the attack. They break into the house when nobody's home. First one in arrive is Sibyl. The girls assault her from behind. Liz handgags her while Venom ties her hands with tape. They remove Sibyl's socks and gag her with the socks and a huge tape gag. They tie up Sibyl whth tape while they make fun of her. When Kira arrives, the two girls quickly assault her. Same treatment for Kira! Tied up and gagged with her own socks. The girls are now determined to get her revenge and make sure the two latex burglars are humiliated. They make fun of them, they even steal their latex suits in front of their faces! "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Kira and Sibyl are so angry and frustated!!!!! But there's nothing they can do about it, they are the ones tied up and gagged now!
    ESTE VIDEO ES LA SECUELA DE "The latex burglars are back again!" Liz y Venom fueron atacadas por las ladronas del latex hace unos dias. Las chicas estan determinadas a vengarse, asi que han estado investigando a las ladronas y siguiendo sus ultimos pasos. La investigación da sus frutos cuando logran encontrar su escondite. Las chicas entonces preparan su ataque. Se cuelan en la casa y esperan a su primera victima. Sibyl es la primera en aparecer. Las chicas se abalanzan sobre ella. Liz le tapa la boca con la mano y Venom le ata las manos con cinta. Le quitan los calcetines y los usan para amordazarla junto con mucha cinta. La atan bien fuerte con cinta. Cuando aparece Kira, se abalanzan sobre ella y recibe el mismo tratamiento. Liz y Venom humillan a sus victimas y se rien de ellas, quieren vengarse. Incluso les roban los vestidos de latex! Kira y Sibyl estan super enfadadas y frustradas!!!!! "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!". Pero lamentablemente para ellas, esta vez step-son ellas las que estan atadas y amordazadas!