Barefoot Urban Girls - SWAINS' barefoot cigarette pause HD

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Cover 2 Barefoot Urban Girls - SWAINS' barefoot cigarette pause HD - SD/WMVCover 3 Barefoot Urban Girls - SWAINS' barefoot cigarette pause HD - SD/WMVCover 4 Barefoot Urban Girls - SWAINS' barefoot cigarette pause HD - SD/WMVScreenlist Barefoot Urban Girls - SWAINS' barefoot cigarette pause HD - SD/WMV
  • Model:
  • Size:
    156,7 MB
  • Duration:
  • Description:
    Dear subscribers! Today we are happy to release a HD VIDEO starring our gorgeous superstar SWAINS! The video features mostly unreleased footage from SWAINS' second session for The Feetosopher, held in September 2013. SWAINS enjoys a cigarette break at Castel San Pietro in Verona (Italy), checking her luscious legs and her DIRTY-SOLED, high-arched size 37EU/6.5US bare feet! 1080x600 (16:9 widescreen HD), bit rate 8Mbps, 30 frames per second format! Duration over 2'30''.