Little Puck - slutty moo cow bimbo dumb | eXXXperimental hucow Trial! hucow cosplay fantasy breeding
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Description:..."WANTED: Female positions open for experimental research in Bos Taurus gene splicing with company patented amatory libidinous stimulant for results in mammary growth expansion and cognitive reasoning deterioration. Must be able to live on campus for the duration of observation. No formal education needed. Must not have spouse or in relationship. Room and board provided..." It seemed like a dream job. All they did was ask me a few questions about my home and personal life...and then took my measurements for some reason...just for my uniform right? They even gave me a vitamin that I would have to take daily in office...but I was TRICKED!! When I awoke I was in a sealed room with a glass wall...god why does my head hurt so much and my body...feels so warm...wait! These aren't my cloths! Is that cow print? What the fuck is going on? Holy fuck!!! Are-are those my boobs? They're fuckin huge! How the...oh god there so groin feels so mooooo-uth is getting so wet! What's happening to me! No mooooo-re! Oh god I'm going to start moooooo-aning...wait what? Moo-aning? Moo? Moo?! MOOOOOOOOOO