Crimini Italiani - the Sentinel #5 - ( 2 PART )

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Cover 2 the Sentinel #5 - ( 2 PART ) - Full HD/MP4Cover 3 the Sentinel #5 - ( 2 PART ) - Full HD/MP4Cover 4 the Sentinel #5 - ( 2 PART ) - Full HD/MP4Screenlist the Sentinel #5 - ( 2 PART ) - Full HD/MP4
  • Size:
    657,6 MB
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  • Description:
    Scene 1
    Senrty is prone position legs spread eagle with gu__. Attacker spots sentry and gu__s her down. Senrty body flops around in prone position like fish as she is shot with multiple bullets. Attack friskes senrty and smacks her butt at end. Camera pans to senrty in spread eagle position. ( first image is what i want to see prone position look like)
    Scene 2
    Sentry standing with hands on hips. Attacker sneaks up from behind. Sentry turns around. Attacker with one hand grabs senrty by throat. Sentry holds on to attackers arm gagging. Attacker puts her against wall then forcefully clinches hand snapping her neck. Instanty after snap sound senrty gurggles eyes roll back ,jaw drops, arms fall lim__ to her sides and head goes lim__ tilts to the right. Attacker lets go and sentry slides down wall. Camera pans to sentry sitting against wall arms drooped to her sides. She is twitching gurggling then goes lim__ showing the whites of her eyes jaw dropped. (second image for reference)
    Scene 3
    Sentry with hands on hips. Attacker sneaks up from behind and grabs sentry neck with both hands from behind. Sentry's eyes widen trying to pry hands loose from her neck with no avail. Sentry goes to her knees. Attacker sqeezes both hands together tightly in one swift motion snapping sentrys neck. Sentry's arms fall lim__ and head tilts to the side eyes still open jaw dropped. Attacker with hands still around throat lim__ checks her bobbing her head around . Attacker then grabs top of mask dangling her from it. bobbing her head around like puppet. Attacker then throws sentry from mask she falls down with her butt in air pose. Camera then pans to sentry in humilating position. Her eyes crossed tongue sticking out
    scene 4
    Sentry arms crossed. Gets grabbed by attacker from behind from waist. Sentry squirms around trying to break free trying to pry the grip loose. Attacker squeezes hard cracking sentrys back imoblizing her. Attacker gently brings her to ground. Attacker having sentrys back in seated position then slowly breaks her neck. With one hand on the top of her head the other on her chin. Attacker slowly twisting her head. sentry eyes rolling to the back of her head as her legs convluse as the sounds of soft cracking is happening tongue sticking out. Then the neck reaches its breaking point the loud snap happens. Sentry' s body tenses up tightly she is stiff as a board then goes lim__ eyes still open jaw dropped.
    Scene 5
    Sentry walking back and forth. Attacker comes up behind with machine gu__. Sentry begs "please please no." Attacker shoots. (Want camera shot from front of sentry first then behind sentry ) sentry convluses as she is shot. Senrty goes to her knees and falls in butt in air position. Camera pans on sentry. Her eyes rolled up she is twitching. Attacker finishes her off with machine gu__. Camera pans on Sentry body cunvlusing in butt in air position as bullets are shot. (picture 3 and 4)
    Scene 6
    Senrty armes crossed. Is tapped on shoulder. Sentry turns around gets punched in face.( want camera shot from behind senrty) attacker throws a barrage of punches to sentrys face her head bobbing around with the shots. ( now i want camera shot from the front of senrty) attacker continues to tee off on senrty with punches to the face. Sentry eye rolling jaw dropped stumbling round head bobbing from punches. Attacker then punches sentry in stomach and puts sentry in head lock. Camera on face of sentry. Attacker snaps sentrys neck. Sentry eyes roll and is in butt in air position. Camrea pans around sentry her eyes rolled jaw dropped.
    Scene 7
    Sentry with pistol is quickly disarmed and grabbed by throat. Sentry is put against wall mouth wide open from choke gasping for air. Attacker puts gu__ in senrtys mouth. Sentry eyes widen her she moans "mmm!!! Mmm!!!". Attacker fires on round in sentrys mouth. Sentry's eye roll up. Attacker removes gu__ from mouth. Senrty slides down wall to a squatting position eyes rolled jaw dropped.
    Scene 8
    Sentry with hands on hips. Attacker stabs sentry on top of head with kn_ from behind. Sentry eyes roll back jaw drops tongue sticking out to side twitching. Attacker swings her back and forth with kinfe still in head. Attacker brings sentry to her knees. Attacker removes kn_ and sentry head flops backward while still on knees. Attacker plays around with sentry bobbing her head around from mask like puppet in front of camera. She also sq_ sentry face at camera. Attacker finishes playing with sentry walks off. Camera pans around sentry on still on knees eyes still open jaw dropped tongue sticking out.
    Scene 9
    Sentry wearing black zentai with just eyes is choked from behind by attacker using rear naked choke. Sentry mouth stays wide open protruding through mask she starts struggling. Attacker brings sentry to ground while still having back in sitting position. St_ somemore sentry starts twiching. Attacker snaps sentrys neck. Senrty goes stiff then lim__ twiching and goes out with mouth wide open.
    Scene 10
    Sentry is stabbed in the back bringing her to her knees. Then grabbed by top of mask throat slit slowly with mouth wide open protruding though mask. Then played with like puppet dangling from mask with mouth wide open protruding through mask. Attacker lets go and sentry head flops back. Camera pans around sentry on knees with mouth still wide open protruding through mask. - protruding through mask look