Mikayla Miles, TerraMizu - Foot comparison

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Cover 2 Mikayla Miles, TerraMizu - Foot comparison - HD/MP4Cover 3 Mikayla Miles, TerraMizu - Foot comparison - HD/MP4Cover 4 Mikayla Miles, TerraMizu - Foot comparison - HD/MP4Screenlist Mikayla Miles, TerraMizu - Foot comparison - HD/MP4
  • Size:
    168,9 MB
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  • Description:
    TERRAMIZU is in awe of MIKAYLA MILES' SIZE 16 FEET! She puts her SIZE 9.5 FEET next to Mikayla's; They COMPARE the length and width of her AMAZON FEET. Mikayla's TOES are even longer than Terra's! They WRINKLE their SOLES and show off their TOENAIL POLISH. Terra pulls out measuring tape to show how BIG Mikayla's FEET are to Terra's. They continue to talk about, and COMPARE the different parts of their FEET to each other.